Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Are E-books in Style in Children's Books?

Are E-books in Style in Children's Books? For a while, e-books were all the rage. Parents bought kindles and readers for their children for Christmas and birthdays. I was one of those parents. As teenagers, my boys, using the kindle or any reader was short-lived. But now, they have picked it up again and are reading e-books more than heavy books that they would have to carry. My guys are adults now so they are reading mostly adult books as e-books. But do kids read e-books? I did some research. The local librarian in my hometown says that e-books are on their way in again. Go to any library website and you will find a list of e-books for children. Kids are on-line more these days than they ever were so don't be surprised if they want to read a book on their kindle. I have a book on kindle that is a chapter book for children ages 7-10. I was surprised to find it listed in so many different countries! In the U.S.A. Cool! http://www.amazon.com/Scooter-Club-Lily-Erlic-ebook/dp/B00P31LBYK In Spain? Yes! http://www.amazon.es/Scooter-Club-English-Edition-Erlic-ebook/dp/B00P31LBYK Australia? Nice. http://www.amazon.com.au/Scooter-Club-Lily-Erlic-ebook/dp/B00P31LBYK Canada! http://www.amazon.ca/Scooter-Club-Lily-Erlic-ebook/dp/B00P31LBYK In England-Hurray! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Scooter-Club-Lily-Erlic-ebook/dp/B00P31LBYK I do think e-books are coming back in style. There is plenty of evidence on Amazon Kindle and many other platforms out there! How do you get your e-book into the library system if you are a children's author? That question remains for me to do more research.