Monday, May 7, 2012

Get Ready, Get Set, Race!

Here is a link to the book and the race car:

Get Ready, Get Set, Race! by Lily Erlic

Finger Rhymes for Manners

Finger Rhymes for Manners-Content Connected Rhymes for Science, Math, Social Studies and Technology is a book for PreK-K, published by Lorenz Educational Press. It's a book to help parents, teachers and children to interact with one another. I wrote the book. I hope you like it!
My feature action rhyme today is called 'Twelve Friends'. Here's an excerpt:

                                  Here we have twelve friends or more,
                                   (Point around circle of children)

                                   Let's count them while sitting on the floor,
                                   (Count together)

                                   We can say hello or wave today,
                                    (Everyone wave)

                                    We can fold our hands and say,
                                     (Fold hands)

                                    "Let's stand up and play!"

continued in book.....................

Take a peek inside the book here: